Original Faces That Sprang From My Imagination
Azure was born under a blue moon, that's why her hair is a soft misty blue. One day, it will be her destiny to be queen of the fairies.
Please Visit... emagineryfriends.homestead.com
For more information on doll availabity and prices, email me at: heartsofclay@aol.com
Turtle And Dove(right)
These two happy critters now live with a nice lady in Florida.
A Bird In The Hand(left)
Sometimes a guy's best friend isn't a dog. |
A Snail's Pace (right)
Taking your snail "Slimmy" for a walk can be great excercise.
VIOLET (left)
Violet is a member of the royal fairy court. |
A lucky smile to brighten your day. |
Azure's cousin...she too was born under a blue moon...that makes her the luckiest of fairies.